PhDs in the spotlight

News and Events


5. - 7. October 2022 [5. & 6. October on site, 7 October online]

The Center for Doctoral Studies invites newly admitted and first year PhDs. Topics...


A lot has happened since the launch of VDSEE in 2020, and it is about time that we meet each other and exchange about the past and the future! We are...


Public exhibition of the pictures/graphics of the competitions "My Research in one Picture" and "My research in a graphic".


She is one of the most cited Austrian researchers in the world: Microbiologist Christa Schleper of the University of Vienna is Austria’s new...


Save the date! On the 20th of May our team from Microbial Oceanography Vienna will be part of the Lange Nacht der Forschung 2022 in Vienna. Check out...


On May 20, 2022, the Long Night of Research, the largest science and research event in the German-speaking world, will take place and the VDSEE will...

Calls and Opportunities