Psychological Support for PhD Students
Doing a PhD is not easy, it comes with a lot of changes in your private and personal life, and we all cope with it differently. Seeking help is therefore not something to be ashamed of, and is something you should consider if you're feeling lost or like you've hit a wall.
We are very pleased that from now on, the VDSEE is able to offer professional psychological support during your PhD studies, free of charge, in both English and German. Psychotherapist Dr. Markus Böckle holds a PhD and is also working as lecturer, therefore he knows how academia works and the kinds of problems that often arise in this context.
What is offered?
We offer group sessions and individual sessions, but can also provide you with support if you need a mediator with e.g. your supervisor(s). The group sessions are going to happen together with other PhD students, from the VDSEE and the PhaNuSpo DocSchool - we often struggle with the same issues, and it might already help to see that you're not alone with it. Look out for Antonia's emails regarding the registration for the next group session, they are going to happen every semester. For individual sessions, we're able to provide you with one session free of charge during your PhD studies, possible at any time.
Who is eligible?
The offer is open for all students that are part of the VDSEE, regardless if a working contract with the university exists or not!
How does it work?
Simply reach out to Antonia via email (, outlining your circumstances and specifying the type of support you need. All of this is of course strictly confidential, and you also do not have to go into detail why you need support, just that you are in need. However, the more details you provide (points like "stress managing", "anxiety" are absolutely enough), the better the psychotherapist will be able to prepare and help you.
Additionally, to get a general overview about what support the University and other NGOs offer, also have a look at the here on the VDSEE website.
PhD Students Well-being Group
© bugphai
PhD Students Well-being Group
Feeling tired, isolated and stressed? Problems with your supervisor? Working 24/7 but not getting many things done? Feeling stuck? Feeling guilty for taking a day off?
These are all common experiences in early research careers. While life of a PhD candidate is not easy, it can be easier with group coaching on hand. Academic work is a creative process which takes a great deal of self‐motivation and often it is quite a solitary activity which requires a lot of discipline and persistence. This can make you feel insecure and lose motivation. Group-coaching is an opportunity to reach the goal of a successful career with a focus on your personal well-being.
Target Group: VDSEE PhD students in any phase of their project who would like to monitor their own progress within a group of PhD students supervised by a trained psychotherapist and coach, Dr. Markus Boeckle.
Location: Magdalenenstraße 21/7, 1060 Vienna
Registration: pls. register directly via
01.04.2025, 16:00-17:40
06.05.2025, 16:00-17:40
03.06.2025, 16:00-17:40
Equality & Diversity
Diversity means differences and commonalities of people and groups that can be linked to privileges and discrimination in the specific university context. They can be examined on an individual, institutional or structural level and affect all people, not just certain groups. The Affirmative Action Plan (for the advancement of women) and Equality Plan, as well as the Federal Equal Opportunities Act are the basis for the strategic handling of diversity at the University of Vienna.
We collaborate with WoBio an initiative of female scientists that aims to support the careers of female scientist & equalize the female-male employment status at the Faculty of Life Science at the University of Vienna.
If you would like to find more resources about diversity and equality at the University of Vienna please find resources here.