Joining the VDSEE PhD programme

At the University of Vienna, there are three broad categories of doctoral students in the fields of biology, molecular biology, environmental sciences, or earth sciences.
All PhD candidates have to complete the mandatory coursework and milestones of the PhD programme. Their position differs in terms of employment, access to workshops and eligibility to participate in VDSEE funded programmes and activities.

Funded PhDs at VDSEE

Funded PhD students obtain a university funded or third-party financed position (University Assistant “prae doc”) at the University of Vienna under the supervision of a PI VDSEE member.
PhD candidates are expected to participate in VDSEE activities and to pass the public presentation of their thesis research proposal within the first year.  As VDSEE candidates, they benefit from the supervisory structure of the VDSEE, attend the VDSEE lectures series and take part at least once in the VDSEE Annual Retreat. Moreover, they eligible to apply to funding schemes of VDSEE.

Required steps

  1. Application for an open position
  2. Application for admission to the PhD programme in the fields of Biology, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences or Earth Science
  3. Consent to the Code of Good Practice for Doctoral Schools



Self-funded PhDs/Fellowship holders at VDSEE

All admitted PhDs in the doctoral fields of Biology, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences or Earth Science can apply to become members of VDSEE. Please note that in order to be admitted for Doctoral Studies you need to find a supervisor from the University of Vienna.
PhD candidates are expected to participate in VDSEE activities and to pass the public presentation of their thesis research proposal within the first year.  As VDSEE candidates, they benefit from the supervisory structure of the VDSEE, attend the VDSEE lectures series and take part at least once in the VDSEE Annual Retreat. Moreover, they eligible to apply to funding schemes of VDSEE.
VDSEE will support students without a funded doctoral position in their efforts to secure long-term funding for their doctoral project

Required steps

  1. Application for admission to the PhD programme in the fields of Biology, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences or Earth Science
  2. Consent to the Code of Good Practice for Doctoral Schools



PhDs outside VDSEE

It is possible to pursue a PhD degree in Life/Natural Sciences the University of Vienna without joining the VDSEE. However, please note that many offers and services provided for PhD candidates are restricted to VDSEE members. Please note that in order to be admitted for Doctoral Studies you need to find a supervisor from the University of Vienna.

Required steps

  1. Application for admission to the PhD programme in the fields of Biology, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences or Earth Science

Info session: PhD studies at the University of Vienna

The Center for Doctoral Studies organizes info sessions on doctoral/PhD studies at the University of Vienna in German and English language on a regular basis.