Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution

The Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution is devoted to educating students in advancing our knowledge on the ecology and evolution of extant and ancestral organisms, populations and communities. In Ecology, the ambition is to better understand the mechanistic and evolutionary drivers of patterns and processes from gene regulation to the structure and function of ecosystems and the impact of communities on the biogeochemical cycles and their adaptive capacity in response to environmental change. In Evolution, we address the evolutionary processes leading to changes in organization and temporal dynamics of organisms, populations and species at the molecular, developmental, morphological and physiological level.

Check out our intro video

"We welcome highly motivated PhD candidates, who share the enthusiasm and spirit of our Doctoral School to provide scientific answers to global challenges in ecology and evolution under changing environmental conditions. Our Doctoral School provides excellent conditions and an intellectual environment that allows realizing international competitive research."

Gerhard J. Herndl, Head of the Vienna Doctoral School Ecology and Evolution 2020-2023

Our Calendar



On 24 and 25 November 2022, the second edition of the "Conference on Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development"...


A lot has happened since the launch of VDSEE in 2020, and it is about time that we meet each other and exchange about the past and the future! We are...


We congratulate Thomas Wrbka, Florian Danzinger, Stefan Fuchs and Ina Hahn (Landscape Ecology Research Group) and Christopher Marrs (TU Dresden) who,...


Public exhibition of the pictures/graphics of the competitions "My Research in one Picture" and "My research in a graphic".


She is one of the most cited Austrian researchers in the world: Microbiologist Christa Schleper of the University of Vienna is Austria’s new...


Traces of human life are not only found in fossils but also in sediments. In the video, doctoral candidate Victoria Oberreiter explains how she...


Opened in 1889, the NHM Vienna is one of the most important natural history museums in the world, with around 30 million objects and more than 841,800 visitors a year.

WasserCluster Lunz is a non-profit research center equally supported by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU Vienna), the University for Continuing Education Krems, and the University of Vienna.

The La Gamba Field Station is a research and teaching facility of the University of Vienna, situated at the edge of the Regenwald der Österreicher (Rainforest of the Austrians) in Costa Rica.

Non-profit organization rooted at the University of Vienna and founded to support and develop sustainable life science practices.

Initiative of female scientists. Support the careers of female scientist & equalize the female-male employment status at the faculty of life science at the University of Vienna.