Scientific Advisory Board

The External Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consists of four international scientists from the fields of ecology and evolution. The members of the SAB are appointed for a period of four years.

The SAB advises the Directorate on management aspects and provides feedback on quality control, collaboration support and decision-making processes. The SAB monitors the performance of the Directorate in ensuring high quality training of the future generation of scientists.

Members of the SAB visit the Doctoral School every other year at the annual retreat with all PhD students, PIs and associate PIs. These annual retreats are scheduled for two days to allow for efficient interaction between participants. At the end, a draft summary report should be submitted to the VDSEE Steering Committee.

The SAB members for the first four years (2021-2025) are:


  • Marianne Holmer, Director of the Danish Institute for Advanced  Studies
    Affiliation: University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  • Bernd Blasius, Professor of Theoretical Ecology, Mathematical Modelling, Complex Systems
    Affiliation: Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), University of Oldenburg, Germany


  • Nicolas Gompel, Zoology and Evolutionary Developmental Biology
    Affiliation: University of Bonn, Germany
  • Carina Schlebusch, Human Evolution Program, Department of Organismal Biology, Evolutionary Biology Centre
    Affiliation: University of Uppsala