Steering Committee

The Steering Committee consists of four faculty members and four student representatives. They support the director in administrative and management tasks as well as in strategic decisions.

Please note: The Steering Committee also serves as the Studienkonferenz of DSPL55.

Hanna Schneeweiss

Head of VDSEE
Steering Committee Member

Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research
Research Areas: Plant genome evolution


Stefanie Wienkoop

Vice Head
Steering Committee Member

Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology
Research Areas: Plant-Microsymbiont Interaction


Silvia Bulgheresi

Steering committee member

Research Areas: Environmental Cell Biology


Steffen Waldherr

Steering committee member

Research Area: Computational methods for bio-/chemical processes


Agnes Dellinger

Steering committee member

Research Areas: Pollination ecology, plant morphology and ecology


Martin Kuhlwilm

Steering committee member

Research area: Genomics, admixture, primates incl. humans 


Arne Bielke

Steering committee member
(Student representative)

Research interests: Genome-wide Genetic Diversity, Ancestry and Inbreeding in New Zealand Feral Kaimanawa Horses 


Marilena Heitger

Steering committee member
(Student representative)

Research Interests: microbial degradation of particles in the deep sea and how this influences the global carbon cycle


Jennifer Hennenfeind

Steering committee member
(Student representative)

Research interests: Biodiversity loss, climate change and armed conflicts


Emily Pigott

Steering committee member
(Student representative)

Research interests: Radiocarbon dating and paleo-proteomics analyzing late Neanderthals within Eurasia


Former Members


  • StuRep

    Oliver Link
    Research interests: Origin and evolution of striated muscle cells

    Maximilian Dreer
    Research interests: Ammonia Oxidizing Archaea, nitrogen cycle, soil Archaea, biofilm formation

    Carlos De Gracia
    Research interests: Paleobiology, Paleoecology, Systematics and Evolution

    Johannes Herpell
    Research interests: Microbial Ecology, Plant-Bacteria-Interactions, Genetics in Ecology and Plant/Bacteria Genomics

    Michael Glaser
    Research interests: Macroecology, biological invasions, agricultural weeds

    Daniel Martinovic Saavedra
    Research interests: Microbial oceanography, phosphorus cycle, enzyme promiscuity, alkaline phosphatase

    Constanze Schattke
    Research interests: Ancient DNA, paleopathologies, the history of physical anthropology and bioarchaeology

  • PIs

    Verena Ibl
    Research Areas: Plant ESCRT machinery and endomembrane system

    Andreas Wanninger
    Research Areas: Animal morphology, Development and Evolution

    Jürgen Kriwet
    Research Areas: Vertebrate Evolution, Morphology and Diversity Patterns

    Wolfram Weckwerth
    Research Areas: Molecular Systems Biology

    Harald Wilfing
    Research Areas: Human Ecology

    Christian Griebler
    Research Areas: Groundwater Ecology

  • Directorate

    Gerhard J. Herndl (Former Head)
    Research Areas: Biological Oceanography, Marine Biogeochemistry and Marine Environmental Change

    Mihaela Pavlicev (Former Vice-Head)
    Research Areas: Developmental evolution, reproductive biology, evolvability, evolutionary medicine

    Christian Griebler (Former Vice-Head)
    Research Areas: Groundwater Ecology