Curriculum, ECTS

In accordance with their supervisor, PhD students can choose one of the following four doctoral research field:

Fieldacademic titleECTS requiredCurriculum
(794 685 437)

Doctoral Programme in the  Natural Sciences and of the PhD Programme in the Natural Sciences in the field of Life Sciences

Molecular Biology
(794 685 490)
Environmental Sciences
(796 605 299)
Dr.rer.nat.12Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences in the field of Natural Sciences
Geosciences/Earth Sciences (796 605 426)Dr.rer.nat.24

How to get ECTS :

  • Lectures and seminars from the course directory
  • Oral/poster presentations at conferences; summer/winter school participation (online or in person):
    • The detailed guidelines on ECTS-recogntion can be found in the VDSEE-intranet
    • The VDSEE recommends that ECTS collected from conference participation should not exceed 50% of the total ECTS that are required for PhD-completion.
    • Please email the following documents to (all as pdf!) 
      • Conference participation certificate
      • Poster/talk confirmation unless already indicated on the certificate 
      • General conference program (as pdf or link)
    • If you are affiliated with multiple institutions, the University of Vienna must be mentioned as one of the affiliations in the abstract. 
    • ECTS can only be awarded for conferences that have been attended after you have passed the FÖP
    • After you’ve reached 30/24/12 ECTS (depending on field of study), there’s no need to hand in documents anymore; conferences will not be named explicitly in your degree certificate
    • Please submit requests for ECTS for conference participation no later than two years after the conference took place (in other cases, please contact VDSEE).
  • Transferrable skills workshops (in agreement with your supervisor)
    • For example, courses are offered by the Center for Doctoral Studies
    • Credits for shorter meetings or courses, online or on site (e.g. 6 hours course) can be awarded only if several such meetings are combined (to make up together c. 20-25 contact hours).
  • Become a VDSEE student representative (4 ECTS for two-year period)
  • Join the VDSEE retreat
  • Join the VDSEE Symposium