Event grant

Apply for funding to organize an event!

The Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution aims to promote team spirit and intellectual exchange among its members and beyond. The VDSEE invites their members to apply for event grants to help to fund the organization of workshops, conferences and symposia. Interdisciplinary formats are highly recommended. 

Prerequisites for applicants

  • Applicant must be active a PhD candidate and member of the VDSEE, and their supervisor must be a VDSEE PI member. Both PhD candidate and PI need to have signed the Code of Good Practice of the Doctoral School.
  • Applicants must have passed the public presentation (FÖP) within the first year of admission, submitted the doctoral thesis agreement and timely submitted all required annual progress reports (from WS2020 onwards: annual report including TAC-minutes). 

What is funded?

  • Organization of conference/symposium/workshops
  • Max. 1.500 € per event
  • PhD candidates are eligible to maximum one grant during active PhD studies


  • The events needs to have a minimum of 25 participants
  • The event needs to have external speakers and/or external participants (external = not affiliated with the University of Vienna)
  • The event can take place at the following locations: University of Vienna, Institute of the applying DocSchool-member or another location in Vienna

What is NOT funded?

  • Small meetings of working groups and collaborator meetings are not funded by this grant
  • Events that are hosted under the name of a non-univie associations/consortium

Application period

  • Applications are possible on a regular basis but at least three months before the planned event.

Application documents

  • Completed online application form
  • Description of the planned event (concept), including specific topic, speakers, types of presentations, time schedule, location, planned number of participants, contribution of the applicant towards organization of the event and description of the organizing team (max. 4 pages). If applicable, please provide the preliminary program or abstract booklet.
  • Tabular budget overview, if applicable please also list additional types of funding sources/sponsors
  • Statement of support by the supervisor, please complete this form

Please send all documents as one pdf file to docschool.vdsee@univie.ac.at



  • Made by the DSPL and Executive Manager within one month after application submission.

After the event