This reserach cluster focuses on topics around the distribution and diversity of organisms in geographical space under past, present and future changes of the environment including climate change, land use change and biological invasions.
- Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research
Rennweg 14, 1030 Vienna - Department of Palaeontology
Althanstraße 14, 1090 Vienna
Photo: rossboth
Stefan Dullinger
Research Areas: Global Change, Biogeography and Biodiversity
PhD Students:
- Pablo Aycart Lazo
- Florian Danzinger
- Gilles Colling
- Johannes Hausharter
- Norbert Helm
- Elias Nikolas Kapitany
- Chytrý Kryštof
- Rym Nouioua
- Sonia Rashid
- Parvin Safiyan Böldaji
- Tom Vorstenbosch
© Ursula Gerber
Franz Essl
Research Areas: Bioinvasions, Global Change and Macroecology
PhD Students:
- Cornelia Amon
- Gilles Colling
- Jennifer Hennenfeind
- Ekin Kaplan
- Ana Isabel Martinez Richart
- Clemens Pachschwöll
- Anna Schertler
- Lisa Tedeschi
- Tobias Schernhammer
- Tom Vorstenbosch
Karl Hülber
Research Areas: Plant Marcoecology
Jacqueline Loos
Research Areas: Biodiversity Conservation, Scoial-Ecological Systems and Environmental Justice
Leyla J. Seyfullah
Research areas: Plant evolution, paleobiology
- Research group Palaeobotany and terrestrial palaeoecology of the Department of Palaeontology
- Personal website
- Contact
PhD Students:
- Katharina Halbwidl
Thomas Wrbka
Research Areas: Ecosystem Research; Nature Conservation; Geoecology; Biodiversity Research; Agroecology, Nature and Landscape Conservation; Botany, Vegetation Science, Plant Ecology; Geoinformatics
PhD Student:
- Florian Danzinger
Martin Zuschin
Research Areas: Conservation Paleobiology and Historical Ecology
PhD Students:
- Michaela Berensmeier
- Alexandra Haselmair
- Angelina Ivkic
- Petra Lukeneder
- Isabella Leonhard